Gene-edited frankenfoods threaten your food safety and environment

Support the AFFP campaign for effective safety testing and labelling of gene-edited foods

What's the problem?

Draft laws put our food and ecosystems at risk

The UK Government is planning to remove safety testing and labelling from gene-edited foods. You and your family’s health is likely to suffer.

‘The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill’ 1a is currently going through the UK parliament. The draft legislation is likely to come into effect in October unless we act now to change or stop it.

Gene-editing is a new form of genetic modification. The new Bill is founded on a MYTH that gene-edited plants and farm animals pose no more risk than conventionally bred ones.

How the dangerous new Bill needs to change?

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Why should you care?

Dangerous toxins and allergens in your food

Scientific research shows that the gene editing process is not safe and produces unintended genetic mutations.1b-24, 27-30, 32-34 These unintended genetic mutations are likely to result in toxins and allergens in your food. Some could be life-threatening.

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Gene editing = genetic modification

Leading scientists warn that gene editing is equally as dangerous, if not more so, than old-style genetic modification. 33 Gene editing results in unintended genetic modification1b-24, which is a huge risk to your health and the environment.

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Gene-edited foods may cause serious illness

Gold-standard, peer-reviewed, published research papers show that feeding animals genetically modified foods results in liver and kidney damage, male fertility problems, and many other health issues.

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Safety claims are a myth

Biotech proponents claim that gene-edited foods are safe based on faulty testing. Developers mostly use the wrong safety tests, which don’t detect extensive unintended genetic damage. 5 Dangerous mutations caused by gene editing can go undetected. Effective safety tests exist but are not generally used.

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Why claims made by proponents of biotech foods are often misleading

For more detailed information on the scientific facts vs the claims about genetic modification and gene editing made by the biotech industry and their academic supporters’ see our myths page.

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Don't let the genie out the bottle!

Once planted in open fields, gene-edited organisms that have not been adequately tested could cross-breed with other related plants and spread genetic mutations. There is no cleanup. Prevention is essential.

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The above video explains the serious, wide-ranging, long-term dangers from new genetic engineering processes.

What’s the solution?

  • AWARENESS CAMPAIGN to inform politicians, the public and other environmental organisations of the dangers of gene-edited foods.
  • SAFETY CHECKS. The scientific research overwhelmingly supports the need for stringent safety checks.
  • GMO LABELLING and traceability. This is essential so that the crops and products can be recalled if something goes wrong. It will allow consumers to choose what they eat.
  • JUDICIAL REVIEW if necessary, to challenge the Government to rethink its legislation and base it on sound scientific research and prevention of dangerous, unintended genetic mutations in the food supply.


Together, we can stop this!

Write to your MP with our template letter

Use our template letter to explain the dangers of gene editing and ask that labelling and more effective safety testing are required– not removed - as currently proposed in the draft Bill!

The template letter is based on a fully referenced technical briefing by a team of hotshot legal and scientific experts that are leaders in their fields. Tell your friends in different constituencies and ask them to also write to their MPs.

Write now!

Support our campaign

Please follow us and share info about the Alliance for Food Purity campaign across all social media platforms. Tell your friends about the dangerous new Bill and ask them to also write to their MPs with our template letter.

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Please follow us and share info about the Alliance for Food Purity campaign across all social media platforms. Tell your friends about the dangerous new Bill and ask them to also write to their MPs with our template letter.

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